Project in Brief
- Project Name: Bio-Scrubber® Tower System Evaluation
- Location: Livermore, CA
- Installation Date: June 2016
- Source of Problems: Exhaust Fans and Ductwork
- System Type: Bio-Scrubber
- Media Type: Crater-Max®
- H2S Removal Efficiency: >99%
The Situation
The Bio-Scrubber® system at the primary treatment facility was in need of an upgrade of existing equipment and the media bed. GES Biotek was called in to inspect and review the 21-year-old Bio-Scrubber® and suggest corrective action.
Inspection revealed that the Crater-Max® media bed was still in good shape, but there were several minor problems with system components. Some spray nozzles were completely clogged, resulting in inconsistent liquid distrubition and dry patches in the media bed. Sump grating was caked with material build-up, and and the mist eliminator module was contaminated with a thick sludge. Other problems included an improperly sized recirculating pump, inoperable differential pressure gauge, and damage to several components as a result of leakage and overflows.
The Solution
Most of the problems were the result of age and maintenance of the system components. The staff maintenance and operations personnel were assembled for a training class. The findings from the inspection were reviewed in detail, and operational corrections were suggested. A Bio-Scrubber® Operation and Maintenance manual was distributed to each participant with a review of the correct operation and checklist for maintenance of all equipment.

Additional Case Studies

Biofilter Media Upgrade, Temecula, CA
Enhanced Cell-Max, Crater-Max®
A media upgrade prevented large amounts of hydrogen sulfide from exiting the plant’s two biofilters

Air Distribution System Smoke Test, Richmond, CA
Fiber-Max, Crater-Max®
Smoke testing at a newly constructed WWTP determined whether the air distribution system achieved an even airflow pattern.

Biofilter Media Replacement, Chico, CA
Fiber-Max, Crater-Max®
GES Biotek restored two overgrown biofilters to full functionality by replacing dilapidated components and adding fresh media.